Pigeon 2.0

The Pigeon 2.0 is the next iteration of the Pigeon IMU by CTRE. This device is compatible with the CANivore.

Tuner X

This device can be upgraded via CTRE Tuner X.


Pay close attention to the LED status code to help you debug this at any time. Remember that any settings changed in Tuner X for the Pigeon 2.0 are overwritten on startup of YAGSL.

YAGSL Checklist


This device communicated with the roboRIO over the CAN bus and can be paired with the CANivore that way it does not take up bandwidth on the roboRIO's CAN bus. To do this you need to set a name for the CANivore and use that as the canbus name in YAGSL.

Example swervedrive.json

The following is an example of swervedrive.json which sets up the Pigeon 2.0. Keep in mind that the Pigeon 2.0 is compatible with the CANivore so the canbus parameter actually works!

  "imu": {
    "type": ,
    "id": ,
  "invertedIMU": ,
  "modules": [

Last updated