Getting to know your robot
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YAGSL is configured for your robot by YOU! We have example configurations which may or may not work for you. The pre-requisite details about your robot are set by through vendor clients and physical characteristics of your robot. Bellow is a near comprehensive list of features of your robot you must know before configuring YAGSL.
The Drive Gear Ratio is the ratio describing how many times the drive motor shaft must rotate for the wheel to complete one rotation. This is usually available on the website of the Swerve Module purchased.
The Steering Gear Ratio is the ratio describing how many times the steering motor shaf1t must rotate for the wheel to complete one spin. This is usally available on the website of the Swerve Module purchased.
Absolute Encoder Ticks Per Revolution
CAN Bus Name
If you are using a you may place CTRE devices such as the , , , and on that bus. You must .
CAN or PWM or Analog Input ID of every sensor and motor controller.
If this is incorrect it will cause major issue's because you will be controlling one motor thinking it's another!
Connection method for Gyroscope (NavX only)
If you are using a NavX over usb the device type should be navx_usb
however if you are on the MXP please use navx_spi
Inversion state of the motors
The inversion state needs to make the wheels go forward and spin clockwise.
Inversion state of the absolute encoder
Typically the absolute encoder will increase in value along with the steering motor movements, if this is not the case it needs to be changed!!!
Inversion state of the gyroscope
The gyroscope needs to be counter clockwise positive, if it isn't it needs to be inverted!
Absolute Encoder Offset
The absolute encoder offset is given when you straighten out all modules (facing the same way!) then read the value from the vendor client or from SmartDashboard while the robot is Disabled!
Motor Controller PID value's
Typical values are available in YAGSL-Example for NEO's and Falcon500's, however these may need to be further tuned. Ideally you can do this with the vendor client.
Distance in inches from the center of your robot to the center of each wheel.
This is used for while setting up your robot in YAGSL.