Standard Conversion Factors

This page serves a standard set of conversion factors for a few typical modules.

How I found these?

    // Angle conversion factor is 360 / (GEAR RATIO)
    //  In this case the gear ratio is 12.8 motor revolutions per wheel rotation.
    //  The encoder resolution per motor revolution is 1 per motor revolution.
    double angleConversionFactor = SwerveMath.calculateDegreesPerSteeringRotation(12.8);
    // Motor conversion factor is (PI * WHEEL DIAMETER IN METERS) / (GEAR RATIO).
    //  In this case the wheel diameter is 4 inches, which must be converted to meters to get meters/second.
    //  The gear ratio is 6.75 motor revolutions per wheel rotation.
    //  The encoder resolution per motor revolution is 1 per motor revolution.
    double driveConversionFactor = SwerveMath.calculateMetersPerRotation(Units.inchesToMeters(4), 6.75);
    System.out.println("\"conversionFactors\": {");
    System.out.println("\t\"angle\": {\"factor\": " + angleConversionFactor + "},");
    System.out.println("\t\"drive\": {\"factor\": " + driveConversionFactor + "}");

MAX Swerve

"conversionFactors": {
    "angle": {"gearRatio": 46.42},
    "drive": {"gearRatio": 5.50, "diameter": 3}

Swerve Drive Specialties (SDS)

"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 21.4285714286},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 8.14, "diameter": 4}
"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 12.8},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 8.14, "diameter": 4}
"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 18.75},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 7.13, "diameter": 4}

Thrifty Swerve

The following example is for 18T Output Gear, and 12T pinion gear with a 3in wheel controlled by NEOs. Please refer to the chart above for your configuration.

The steering motor gear ratio is 25:1

"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 25},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 15, "diameter": 3}

Plummer Industries

"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 28},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 4, "diameter": 2.5}
"conversionFactors": {
	"angle": {"gearRatio": 28},
	"drive": {"gearRatio": 4, "diameter": 2.5}

Last updated

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